India Celebrates birth anniversary of Srinivasa Ramanujan and so as we Milton Billabongers
celebrated National Mathematics Day on 22nd December 2022, under the theme “Math everywhere”.
Yes, the initial phase of the event took place with origami, art and creative writing integrated with
On the day of event Grade V Krishna, Vedhav and Jude quoted a quote in English,
Tamil as well as French about Math. Hiren of Grade VII delivered a speech on significance of
Mathematics Day. Smrithi of Grade V enlightened the gathering about the significance of Ramanujan
numbers. Our beloved principal ma’am addressed the students signifying the role of Mathematics in
our day-to-day life. Pawan Sai, Prathiksha and Krishna of Grade V presented their projects. Finally,
the real fun and learning of the day began. Guess what? It was Ludo game with four different houses
and questions that promotes following skills problem solving, critical thinking, Mental math,
Identifying, Logical thinking. Our Principal ma’am began the game by rolling the dice and then
students. Each time they rolled the dice they got a number which the team members picked a card
and answered to move forward in this way the event was made a memorable one to cherish forever.
